Confidental Umbrella Data | AUTHORISED PERSONEL ONLY

| Good Dog | Very Good Dog | Who's a good dog? | Nice doggy.
Arkley Laboratory Cerebus 01 Cerebus 02 Cerebus 03 Cerebus 04
Raccoon City Lab Doggy 01 Doggy 02 Doggy 03 Doggy 04

| Wesker's Jams | Birkin's Tunes
Janelle Monae Perturbator
Blondie Miles Davis

| 09hrs | 10hrs | 11hrs | 12hrs
Monday |Perimetre Inspection |Intra-lab Inspection |Chem Storage Inspection |Food Storage Inspection
Tuesday |Perimetre Inspection | ~~ Pinata Tournament!~~ |Bioweapon Inspection

| G-Virus | T-Virus | Progenitor Virus
Sweet Strongly Agree Agree Strongly disagree
Sour Disagree Agree Disagree
Bitter Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree
Salty Agree Disagree
Umami Neutral Strongly agree
CONCLUSION: Itchy Tasty Scott

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